And down below as a bouns!
We have
KOOKY CUKES Ingredients:

1 large cucumber
1 tbsp lemon juice
4 tbsp sour cream
1 tsp grated cheese (raifort or parmesan)
1 tsp dill, roughly chopped
salt and pepper

Wash and peel cucumber. Cut into very thin slices. Mix together lemon juice, cream, cheese, a dash of salt and pepper ( to taste). Add cucumber slices and toss in cream sauce. Arrange in a serving plate and garnish with chopped dill.
2 Balls of Fresh Mozzarella Cheese
2 Large Ripe tomatos
3-4 large fresh basil leaves
2 tsp (or more) extra-virgin olive oil
salt and freshly ground black pepper

Slice the mozzarella cheese and tomatoes fairly thinly and arrange them on a salad plate. Chop the basil finely and scatter over the tomato and mozzarella. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, and drizzle with olive oil.
Shay must be trying to tell me something
Like eat some veggies hop.LOL
Do these jeans make my ass look fat
or is it just my ass!
keep up the good work shay !!!!

Hello Everyone!! As you know, Munchie Madness uses all kinds of recipes. I encourage you the readers to email recipes to me to use in future issues of Munchie Madness. This includes Cocktails. There are alot of changes coming soon, be sure to log in regularly and have your munchie madness satisfied!!!! Email me at this address Shayz38@aol.com and be sure to put in the address bar ***Recipe***. Thank you for your continued support! Respectfully Shay

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