A message from Faerie:
There are a lot of dollz contests out there, but hopefully this will be something different for y'all. This contest is not just for the dollz themselves, but the whole package: backgrounds, animations....you name it! Yes sometimes less is more, and sometimes it's the little add-ins that pull the whole doll together. On this page, anything goes! Some contests will be themed, some just 'cause. A big thank you needs to go out to Simmer Street Forum for the inspiration for this page, and another HUGE thank you to the host and sponsor....the King of Freaks himself, Hopsingcarpking. And a very special thanks to Amy for helping now (and in the future!) to make this the absolute best place for Dollz Contests!!! If you have any trouble whatsoever navigating, entering, or just want to make a comment (good OR bad) Simply type your e mail adress and words "respond please"
in the name field below!
If you want to make a complaint please go to the "freaks list page" all complaints will be sent to hop sing and looked into right away! |