Dear Audrey:
We have a co-worker who we suspect uses drugs. We want to help her but don't know what to do. She has gotten help before and always goes back to the lifestyle. Any advice on how to help someone who can't seem to get her life in order?
Dear Nosey Coworker:
Lot's of people have drug problems...I live in a city where people with drug problems are swarming the streets....(Yes, the Freaks really DO come out at night!!!) At least your resident drug addict is able to hold down a job (up to this point) so she is what I would consider to be a "functioning" which case, I suggest you mind your own business.....not to say that you shouldn't care for this person or lend help when asked but if there is one thing on the planet that I am absolutely convinced that I know what I'm talking about, it is this.......she will quit using when SHE is ready, not when YOU have convinced her that it's the right thing to do.....emotionally prepare your self to watch this person hit rock-bottom, or possibly even die. That's not to say that she will, but it could happen. You can make the choice to intervene anytime you want but know that no matter what you do or say you will never "help" her.....she must help herself, she must first decide she doesn't want to be a drug addict anymore....although she has received help in the past to try and conquer the monkey, she went back to drugs......and no matter what reasons she uses to explain why she went back on drugs.....the ONLY reason she started using because she wanted to.....she likes being loaded....I will argue till I'm blue in the face, with anybody that says there is any other reason for using's a choice, and the choice is YOURS and yours alone.....NOBODY else can make it....not even nosey coworkers with golden hat's off to you Nosey, as I'm sure you noticed, I too am quite sensitive to the needs of others, as a fellow humanitarian.....I know what you're going through but you have to just let her do her thing.
Dear Audrey: there is a girl i know that is bi. i saw her last week at the bar and she seemed interested in me. i'm quite nervous, i have never been with a girl before and the thought of it makes me quite giddy. does that mean i am gay? i am getting close to trying something with her. do you think i should tell my husband? i am a little unsure about telling him, i am afraid he would want to join in, and i don't want that.
i think i am going to go out by myself next weekend and see if i run into her. any words of wisdom?
curious in florida....
Dear Cheating Heart:
Yes, I have some words of wisdom for you....and they are...."Use a dental dam". Coming down with the aids virus and passing it along to your spouse,...well now, that's going to be a difficult thing to explain, don't you think? Even women carry and contract the aids virus....and if you put more thought into it.....some bisexual women have dated or, are dating bisexual just toss that one around for a while and think before you go sleeping with a perfect stranger... HELLLLOOOOO are we on the same page???!!! AIDS medication can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars a month!!!!
Now I have some questions for YOU.... 1) Why the fuck are you wasting my valuable time asking me if you're gay when you were down at "the bar" this weekend, where known bisexual people hang out? Question number 2) Are you happily married, do you enjoy sexual relations with your husband at all, or do you desire to be with women only? I ask this because the answer tells you if you're gay or bisexual......Anyhoo, I personally would tell my husband, he deserves to know about this. Then he can make the decision to stick around or join-in or whatever, But I'd tell him.
Now aren't you glad you asked ?........ Next !
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